As an unemployed college student who receives loans and scholarships,?
Im guessing that the Postmates gig is self-employment income, so you may owe some self-employment tax even if you dont owe any income tax. If its more than $600, Postmates should have sent you a 1099 that tells you exactly how much. Youll also need to know how many miles you drove on Postmates deliveries. Take the total miles and multiply by 58 cents per mile for 2019. (It will be 57.5 cents per mile in 2020.) Subtract that from the total that Postmates says you made. Multiply the result by .9235. The amount you get is called net earnings from self-employment. If it is $400 or more, you owe self-employment tax. The tax is 15.3 percent of your net earnings from self-employment