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Why are millennials labeled as entitled?

Were called entitled for a number of reasons. The biggest one though, is that frivolous things are cheap, and necessities are expensive. Then of course, what was unnecessary for our parents, is a necessary part of our life. While all* millennials will never own a house, all* of them own a smartphone. While all* millennials will never own a new car, all* of them own a large flat-screen TV. Where all* millennials have no healthcare, all* of them eat out for every meal. *all of course is an exaggeration Things that our parents found important - owning your own home, retiring, having a pension - are expensive and out of reach for most millennials. Yes, some of us are on our way to home ownership and retirement, but many arent. Things like a college education. It was a luxury that could be paid for while working through school for our parents. For millennials it was a necessity that also required loans. (We seem to be getting better at not requiring it *now*, but that doesnt help millennials much) Things like eating at a restaurant - relatively expensive in our parents days, especially with children, now $5 or less a person for fast food, or $1015 for a nicer meal (and yes, more expensive options are still available). Electronics of course are a big one - slow computers were $1000, or $2500 in todays dollars, and of course only necessary for office work and important things. Now $150 nets you a pretty good netbook or budget smartphone. So, because luxuries have become cheap, were able to have lots of them. Of course, rent, mortgages, etc. have all increased in relative cost, so we dont get them, but thats because we spend too much on luxuries. (yes, some people do, and could afford a home if they didnt, but many people say things like oh, you spend $50 a month on your phone and $50 a month on coffee, if you cut that out you could buy a house!)

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